
हुतात्मा जयवंतराव पाटील महाविद्यालय हिमायतनगर

Department of Botany was established in 2004. Department impart undergraduate teaching. Presently one full time qualified teachers are performing their role to develop quality students. The department has tradition of shaping and training the students. The department is engaged in teaching activities and co-curricular activities. The Department guide for competitive examination, for PG entrance exam.

Teaching Staff

Dr. Shyam Laxmanrao Ingle

Assistant Professor

Non Teaching Staff

Mr. Dongargaonkar R.V.

Designation : Lab. Assistant
Qualification : B.Com.
Experience in years : 15

Mr. Chandapure

Designation : Lab. Attent
Qualification : B.Com.
Experience in years : 10

Future Plans

  • Faculty to be publish and present research papers

  • To complete Ph.D. of the faculties.

  • To Undertake minor/major research projects.

  • To develop Botanical Garden

  • To organize conference/seminar/workshop.

  • To establish departmental Library.

Scope And Importance Of Zoology

Molecular, genetic and biochemical level through organelles, cells, tissues, organs, individuals, plant populations, and communities of plants are all aspects of plant life that are studied. At each of these levels a botanist might be concerned with the classification (taxonomy), structure (anatomy and morphology), or function (physiology) of plant life. Historically, all living things were grouped as either animals or plants, and botany covered the study of all organisms not considered to be animals. Now, plants are considered to be organisms that obtain their energy from sunlight by means of photosynthesis and some closely related, chlorophyll-free parasitic plants. Other organisms previously included in the field of botany include bacteria, (studied in bacteriology), fungi, (mycology) including lichen-forming fungi (lichenology), non-chlorophyte algae (phycology) and viruses (virology). However, attention is still given to these groups by botanists, and fungi (including lichens), and photosynthetic protists are usually covered in introductory botany courses. The study of plants is vital because they are a fundamental part of life on Earth, which generates the oxygen and food that allow humans and other life forms to exist. Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that in large amounts can affect global climate. Just as importantly for us, plants release oxygen into the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Additionally, they prevent soil erosion and are influential in the water cycle. .