
हुतात्मा जयवंतराव पाटील महाविद्यालय हिमायतनगर

Importance of Political Science

The importance of political science lies in the fact that all of us live within political systems and we are affected by the changes in the global political economy. With the advent of globalization, there has been a concomitant rise in the interest taken by the people of the world in understanding the political systems of other countries. Hence, political scientists become valued and important as they provide the lens through which we can understand the global political economy. There are many universities that provide graduate and higher-level degrees in political science and in recent years, because of the renewed interest in political science as a field of study, there are many takers for these courses.

Teaching Staff


Designation : Head and Research guide Department of political science
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Designation : Department of political science and Assistant Professor
Email Id :-------

Scope Of Political Science

The scope of political science is vast and experts have divided the field of political science into five sub-disciplines that are political theory, public administration, comparative politics, international relations, and public law. It needs to be noted that these sub-disciplines cover the entire gamut of the modern political economy and provide the basis for the study and understanding of how the global political economy works. The study of the matters concerning the allocation and distribution as well as the transfer of power is one of the main preoccupations of political scientists. The success or otherwise of the governance structures is gauged by political scientists who examine the multifaceted and multi-layered factors at work that contribute to good or bad governance. The scope of the political scientists has now been broadened to include the realm of the study of the democratic elections across the world. In other words, with the explosion in the political systems all over the world, political scientists, and their scope of study has been considerably enhanced.

About the Department

Department of Political Science was established along with the establishment of the College in 2001. Since 2001 to today working teachers in this department Shri lokde, Shri. Kadam D.P. He is interested in student activity. He was an academician & social attachment teacher in our department. He left the college in 2005 Dr. Dongare L.B. joined the department in 2005. He is working as a HOD at present. His Specialization in Dalit leadership in Maharashtra. Shri. Santosh Jadhav joined the department in 2019 and his specialization in Indian Government and Politics. Department political has always tried its level best to maintain and development quality of higher education. Various activate run by the Department for the student like Group discussion, guest Lecture, Seminar, will poster publication etc. Department is committed to the cause of all round development of the students as well as college.