
हुतात्मा जयवंतराव पाटील महाविद्यालय हिमायतनगर

Department of Chemistry was established in 2004. Department impart undergraduate teaching. Presently Two full time qualified teachers are performing their role to develop quality students. The department has high tradition of shaping & training the students. The department is engaged in teaching activities and co-curricular activities. The department guide for competitive examinations, for PG entrance exam, SET/NET/GATE examinations. Introduction of Department.

Teaching Staff

Mr. Wakhradkar M. G

Assistant Professor

Teaching Staff

Mr. Yadav M. S.

Assistant Professor

Scope and Importance of chemistry in various fields:

Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes and considers both macroscopic and microscopic information. The five main disciplines of chemistry are physical chemistry, organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and biochemistry. Many civilizations contributed to the growth of chemistry. A lot of early chemical research focused on practical uses. Basic chemistry theories were developed during the nineteenth century. New materials and batteries are a few of the products of modern chemistry.

Course Outcome

Program Outcome - Course Outcome (PO-CO)
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